Online Educational Consultations for SIBO

Temporary coverage for Dr. Siebecker

Few doctors are as well known for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) as Dr. Allison Siebecker. Not too surprisingly she often needs doctors she can trust to refer people to when she can't take on a new client due to her extremely busy schedule.  Dr. Goldenberg is one of those doctors. He is a clinician focusing on SIBO and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a research investigator in the field, a past president of the Gastroenterology Association of Naturopathic Physicians (GastroANP), as well as a teacher. You can learn more about Dr. Goldenberg here but, perhaps most importantly, he is Dr. Siebecker approved! ;)  

To book an appointment call the office (719) 377-6609 or email Michele

Dr. G's Practice Philosophy 

A Short Intro Video on SIBO from Dr. G