
Our Philosophy

We don’t believe in one size fits all medicine. We strive to bring you the latest advances in IBS and gut health research along with the personalized care you deserve. 

Dr. Goldenberg

Dr. Goldenberg is a researcher, clinician, and professor focusing on natural and integrative approaches to gut health, specifically focused on natural approaches to IBS.


While we focus on natural IBS approacheswe love to see patients for all manner of gut complaints as well as general natural and integrative medicine.

About IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is an extremely common disorder. It affects anywhere from 10% to 15% of the entire worldwide population. 

  • Millions of doctors visits
  • Billions in medical cost
  • Many people with IBS still feel lousy  

IBS Stats

People with IBS (worldwide)
Million people in the US with IBS
Average years before a diagnosis
Million doctor visits for IBS each year

Curious about natural options for your IBS? 

Our Approach

We take the best of natural and integrative approaches to IBS and deliver solutions for you so you can finally feel better. Already have a gastroenterologist? No worries,  we love to work as part of a larger team and can augment the conventional medical care they deliver with safe, natural, and effective solutions. 

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